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About Switch to .ng

The .ng is Nigeria’s unique identity on the Domain Name space, yet the predominance of the adoption of .com and .uk still holds sway. The Campaign is targeted at creating awareness of the anomaly, and enlightenment on the need to use our own identity.

The Campaign is an affirmative action on the value of .ng, and why the Nigerian government, Ministries, Departments and Agencies should adopt the Nigerian identity. It is a call to Nigerian institutions, industries, SMES, individuals to switch to .ng.

Register your .ng Domain

We encourage all applicants for .ng domain names to register their domains through one of the NIRA Accredited Registrars. 

NiRA SLDs (second level domains)

DomainSLD purpose
com.ngCommercial entities and purposes (open)
edu.ngHigher and Further education and Reseach Institution (Closed)
name.ngPersonal names (Open)
net.ngInternet Services/Telecoms Providers' Infrastructure (Closed)
org.ngNon-For-Profit entities (open)
sch.ngOther Academic Institutions (Closed and Regional level)
gov.ngNational, Regional, and Local government bodies and Agencies (Closed)
mil.ngMilitary and related purposes (Closed)
mobi.ngFor mobile devices meeting .mobi gTLD Standard (open)